martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

     Hi bloggers             

While the internet is not something fundamental in my life, is a tools very useful for a lot of thing, since I can speak with my friends living in others region of Chile in present time, use the emails, see recipes, look for information the places, travel, art, music, until buy and sell whitout moving from my house,too many thing! it is best that is very fast.
On of my favorite site is wikiloc, this site it allows you to know and plan meens travels of all the world, as well as, your information is very complete and true. 
Detail thing as distances, ramp, climate is very precise. I've used several times and I found it very useful. On this page you can find routes for different activities: hiking, kayak, mountain bike, climb. Another graces of this page is that, are the same users which up information to the site, we can all share routes and photographs! is very entertaining to share the places you know.

Visit it if someday will travel


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Yael!!
    It is a very good thing, I hope to use someday.
    travel is fantastic :)

  2. Hi yael,
    your site web is very interesting because the web pages are never exact! I will look later.

